Providing social engagement services is an integral part of our provision of logistics support and local content provision to field operations.

In our recent field operations, our social engagement was about land-assessments which included speaking with land owners to gain their permission to value their land upon which a technical survey was conducted and afterwards, to ensure proper reconciliation and rehabilitation was appropriately managed. We involved multiple teams across hundreds of locations and made significant efforts to digitize the land-assessment processes to ensure data validity and accuracy across the process. This required digitizing the following; land-entry, initial assessment, post-valuation, payment acknowledgement and site clearance forms.

All completed social-engagement forms’ data were sent to a central database ensuring data entry accuracy at each step of the process. Critically, all forms were configured to allow the user to print the form offline without the need for an internet or data connection. Signed forms were printed and distributed in the field and the form-data would be uploaded to the cloud when the device regained an internet/data connection.

Thank you to our team for making this an efficient and successful project. Alistair Group, Making Africa Work Better!