At Alistair Group, we are experts in material handling and are dedicated to providing clients with a safe and efficient service.

In Tanzania, we continue to service the Tanzanian Government railway project by assisting our client to manufacture and erect concrete beams for the railway bridges and overpasses. Our LR1250 250-ton crawler crane has been working tirelessly for the past 6 months and just returned after successfully completing yet another government project at the Kinyerezi 2 power plant. The crane was involved in all critical lifts for the project, some up to 90 tons.

Our crawler crane is currently lifting loads of up to 60 tons and is also erecting the beams via critical pick and carry operations. Thanks to our skilled and professional personnel, all lifts are completed safely and efficiently.

We are grateful to our client for selecting us as their preferred material handling supplier and look forward to working together again in the future.