“Hello all call signs, this is Alistair Radio Control.”
Our control room staff and technical partners worked together to rise to the task of Journey Management and Radio Communications Control for the EACOP Midstream Geotechnical Survey.
We successfully planned and managed our resources to provide radio coverage for a 120km-radius. The next challenge was to maintain the radio coverage radius as we moved along the 1,200km stretch of proposed pipeline across Tanzania.
Further, we were able to create accurate and reliable automated alerts through Zone of Interest which proved to be extremely useful for providing instant client feedback and vehicle movement interrogation. This ultimately, enabled us to build a timeline of events independent of the radio call log sheet, providing critical continuity of information despite occasional radio and GSM coverage dead spots. The last factor that contributed to our successful and powerful journey management analysis tool is the fact that we were able to visually review any element of vehicle activity through the addition of fitted in-vehicle cameras.
We are extremely proud to have ensured the safety of our drivers, staff and clients through our innovative journey management processes. Alistair, Making Africa Work Better!