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There are 21 steps to clear a transit shipment via the Dar es Salaam port. Alistair Group makes this Customs Clearance process easy for clients by providing efficient, end-to-end import and export solutions.  

At Alistair Group we are committed to providing our clients with an integrated logistics solution to make their businesses Work Better! We are proud to provide a simplified, timely and cost-effective Customs Clearance solution to our clients. Our in-house teams facilitate clients with all Customs and Freight Forwarding related processes, from the preparation of documents, required permits, communications with government authorities to transportation and shipping. Our team follows a strict Standard Operating Procedure, to ensure that we provide a compliant, consistent and reliable Customs Clearance solution.

Alistair Group is an expert at the following 21 steps to clear transit shipments via the Dar es Salaam port:

1.      The first step in our clearing process is when we receive pre-alerts and documents from our clients to initiate Customs Clearance or to request that transit shipments / cargo should be cleared.
2.      Documents obtained are checked by our Declarations Officers for shortcomings and to see whether everything is in order and if additional permits and documents are required and communicated to the client.
3.      Depending on the cargo, the relevant Permits and Certificates required are applied for and obtained.
4.      As soon as all required documentation are obtained, entries are submitted on TANCIS (Tanzania Custom Integrated System) to the declaring authorities.
5.      The vessel with the shipment / cargo arrives.
6.      A final assessment from the port authorities is now issued to inform whether the shipment has been accepted or declined.
7.      The container deposit is now sorted out and secured with the shipping line.
8.      After the container deposit is settled, a Delivery Order is obtained from the shipping line to release the cargo once all payments due have been settled by the consignee.
9.      The shipments are now scheduled to be discharged from the vessel to the port and communicated to the client.
10.    Cargo is carried in on TANCIS and confirmation is received by the port authorities informing us that all cargo is discharged on the port and we may continue with the Customs Clearance process.
11.    The Manifest is now compared on TANCIS by the Declaration Officer to ensure and confirm that the entries submitted and the Manifest are the same.
12.    The Wharfage invoice is obtained.
13.    The Wharfage invoice is settled.
14.    The Tansad document, invoices, packing list, BL copy and permits are presented to Customs to lodge and obtain the Customs Release.
15.    The trucks and all applicable driver details are confirmed and declared on TANCIS.
16.    T1’s and Movement Sheets are now generated on TANCIS.
17.    The Customs Release and Delivery Order are submitted online to the port authorities to obtain the port charges invoice.
18.    The port charges invoice is issued electronically and settled.
19.    The C28, T1, Movement Sheets, Driver’s License, Passport and Registration Cards are submitted to Port Authorities to obtain loading permits.
20.    Loading permits are obtained.
21.    The trucks are now called in for loading of the shipment at the port.
22.    Tracking units installed by port authorities on the shipments to ensure that the transit cargo moves through the required checkpoints as per the Movement Sheets to ensure that the shipment leaves the country.
23.    Trucks are now dispatched to transport the shipment to the final destinations.