Client: Protea Mining Chemicals
Cargo: Isotainers containing Hydrogen Peroxide
Route: Dar es Salaam, Tanzania to Kalyekera, Malawi
Vehicles Required: Convoys of four vehicles and one escort with safety equipment, specially trained drivers
Alistair Logistics has been contracted to transport the hazardous chemical Hydrogen Peroxide from Dar es Salaam port to the Paladin Africa mine in Kaylekera, Malawi. In order to do this transport, Alistair Logistics has a special license from the Chemist’s department, making it one of the only transporters in Tanzania to be licensed to carry hazardous material.
To ensure that all convoys travel as safely as possible, Alistair Logistics and the Protea Mining Chemicals team do regular training to familiarize drivers with the properties of Hydrogen Peroxide, the hazards involved in transportation, and protocol should an incident happen. All drivers are issued with specialist safety gear and the escort driver carries 1,000 liters of water to use in case of an accident.
Alistair Logistics prides itself in its ability to cater to the particular requirements of clients such as Protea Mining Chemicals. The Company is happy to train its drivers and go the extra mile to ensure that hazardous substances are transported as safely as possible throughout the region.